Breeding Center Goessens is a Belgian company specialized in breeding and exporting tropical birds. We export to more than 40 countries worldwide. In 1972, Johan Goessens set up a small breeding center in his backyard. Over the years he learned and his business grew. In 2020, the breeding center received a major update and was seriously expanded.

Passion and love have ensured for years that we enjoy our job. Love for the birds and passion to raise them from young to adult. Passion has to flow through your veins in our sector, otherwise you won't stay motivated.
Trust is a value that is held in high esteem. We want the customer to be satisfied and have confidence in his purchase. Discretion is also a guarantee at Breeding Center Goessens!
We have been in the business since 1972. By trial and error, we have built up our expertise. Johan's experiences are now passed on to the next generation. We can assist the client with suitable advice in his choice.

We provide many different types of seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits, each with their own function and nutritional value. We have even developed our own seed variety, with the most important added value being the provision of stable nutrition. This to get the best feathering from the birds. We tailor the seed mixture perfectly for each type of bird.
Our species

Ararauna, Ambigua, Caninde, Chloroptera, Anodorhynchus Hyacinthinus, Macao, Rubrogenys, Maracana

Calyptorhynchus banksii magnificus, Cacatua leadbeateri, Eolophus roseicapilla

Horned Parakeet, Psittacula eupatria , Psittacula alexandri , Psittacula himalayana, Psittacula Krameri

Horned Parakeet, Psittacula eupatria , Psittacula alexandri , Psittacula himalayana, Psittacula Krameri

South American
Guarouba guarouba, Pionites leucogaster xanthomeria, Pionites leucogaster leucogaster, Pionites melanocephala

Amazona aestiva xanthoptheryx

A hygienic environment is very important for the health of the birds. The lungs in particular are sensitive to dust. We have an extraction system that already removes most of the dust from the air. We sweep and disinfect the aviaries with professional machines. The breeding center and export warehouse are checked monthly by company veterinarian Bjorn Geeroms. A long-term work but very important for quality birds.